Search Results We've found 4329 articles
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Digital Battlespace
ACUS advises 'back-to-basics' Cyber strategy
6th March 2012
The Atlantic Council of the US (ACUS) and industry partner IBM have outlined opinions on the current cyber security threat, warning that NATO is best …
Land Warfare
TOW capabilities enhanced
28th February 2012
Raytheon has announced that it has tested a new propulsion system for the Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wireless (TOW) missile. The enhanced system, developed by ATK, doubles …
Uncrewed Vehicles
Resource Group announces new UAS training initiative
27th February 2012
Resource Group has announced that it will be launching a new training division called ‘Resource UAS’ to deliver foundation training for UAS (unmanned aerial systems) …
Defence Helicopter
APKWS heading for Afghanistan
24th February 2012
The US Navy has completed operational testing of the Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) and the weapon will soon be deployed with US Marine …
Military Logistics
250th C-130J Super Hercules delivered
20th February 2012
Lockheed Martin has delivered the 250th C-130J Super Hercules to be built at the Lockheed Martin facility to Dyess Air Force Base, Texas. The company …
Defence Helicopter
Heli-Expo 2012: Market recovery reflected in helicopter sales
14th February 2012
The note of optimism sounded by the various heads of the OEMs about the recovery of the commercial helicopter during Heli-Expo had a ring of …
Defence Helicopter
Heli-Expo 2012: Bond joins S-92 family
13th February 2012
Bond Aviation Group has signed the largest ever single contract for the Sikorsky S-92, penning an agreement for 16 of the aircraft at Heli-Expo in …
Defence Helicopter
Heli-Expo 2012: EC130 is given the makeover treatment
12th February 2012
Eurocopter has received more than 100 orders for its latest version of the EC130 single-engined light helicopter. The EC130 T2 first flew in secret in …
Defence Helicopter
Heli-Expo 2012: Milestone signs for 16 EC225s
12th February 2012
In a further indication of the health of the helicopter leasing sector, Milestone Aviation signed a $480 million order for 16 EC225 helicopters at the …
Military Logistics
Patria, Volvo team for Swedish opportunities
7th February 2012
Patria has announced that it has signed an exclusive teaming agreement with Volvo Group to offer new concepts and partnerships related to comprehensive life-cycle support …
Defence Helicopter
Boeing announces Canadian CH-47F suppliers
30th January 2012
Boeing has selected a number of firms for the first group of work packages for in-service support of 15 Boeing CH-47F Chinook helicopters. According to …
Defence Helicopter
USAF moves forward with HH-60 replacement
30th January 2012
Despite budget cuts continuing to cast a long shadow over US helicopter programmes, the US Air Force is looking to advance plans for a new …
Digital Battlespace
AFCEA West 2012: TCS launches ruggedised solid state drives
26th January 2012
TeleCommunication Systems (TCS) has launched the new Galatea highly ruggedised solid state drive (SSD) for mass data storage. Speaking to Shephard at the AFCEA West …
Digital Battlespace
UK wary of cyber threat
19th January 2012
A UK government official has warned that the NATO air operation in Libya could have been vulnerable to cyber-attack as the mission was so dependent …
Military Logistics
DRS Technologies wins US Navy E-6B contractor award
17th January 2012
DRS Technologies has announced that its C3 & Aviation Group has been awarded an additional option on their current contract for logistics support to the …
Programme Results - Defence Insight
Tripartite Class Replacement Programme [Belgium]
Programme Background A joint Dutch-Belgian procurement programme is procuring 12 new Mine Countermeasures Vessels (MCMV) to replace the ageing Tripartite-class MCM, which are due to ...
Military UAS - tactical
Skeldar V-200 Dutch Navy
Programme Background The Dutch Ministry of Defence issued a notice seeking information regarding the potential acquisition of a vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aerial vehicle ...
Military UAS - tactical
Skeldar V-200 Belgian Navy
Programme Background For the joint MCM programme between Belgium and the Netherlands, the Dutch Ministry of Defence issued a notice calling for information regarding the ...
Military UAS - fixed-wing, Military UAS - mini
Spy Ranger SMDR - Contracted (France)
Programme Background Requirement The French Army has identified a need for a new tactical UAS to replace the Drac UAS, which first entered service in ...
Tripartite Class Replacement Programme [Netherlands]
Programme Background A joint Dutch-Belgian procurement programme is procuring 12 new Mine Countermeasures Vessels (MCMV) to replace the ageing Tripartite class MCM's which are due ...
Military UAS - fixed-wing, Military UAS - mini
Spy Ranger SMDR - Option (France)
Programme Background Requirement The French Army has identified a need for a new tactical UAS to replace the Drac UAS, which first entered service in ...
Project SEA 1905 - MMCMMS [Australia]
Programme Background Requirements Australia is looking to acquire up to eight new advanced mine countermeasures/hydrographic survey vessels under the Project SEA 1905 Maritime Mine Countermeasures ...
Patrouilleurs Hauturiers OPVS (former Patrouilleurs Océanique) [France]
Programme Background Requirements The programme aims to procure new OPVs that will replace the D'Estienne d'Orves-class and the Flamant-class vessels. The OPVs are intended to be armed ...
Submarines: conventional, attack
Project Sea 1000 (Attack Class) - Cancelled [Australia]
Programme Background The competition for Australia’s SEA 1000 Future Submarine project for 12 new SSKs was won by the French shipbuilder Naval Group in 2016 ...
Al Jawf Class Replacement [Saudi Arabia]
Programme Background Requirements The Royal Saudi Navy urges the replacement of three Al Jawf-class minehunters. Based on the Sandown-class design, the ships entered service in the ...
Multirole Corvette Programme [Romania]
Programme Background Timeline Romania, since 2014. has seen a significant increase in its defence budget, which has allowed for more room to procure modern platforms. In ...
Naval: Combat Management Systems
Naval: Combat Management Systems | Submarine Procurement [Indonesia]
The Indonesian Navy has a long-standing desire for a larger submarine fleet. The TNI-AL currently has four SSKs in its inventory, including one Cakra-class submarine in ...
Naval: shipboard communication systems
Naval: shipboard communication systems | Submarine Procurement [Indonesia]
The Indonesian Navy has a long-standing desire for a larger submarine fleet. The TNI-AL currently has four SSKs in its inventory, including one Cakra-class submarine in ...
Naval: Combat Management Systems
Naval: Combat Management Systems | Submarine Procurement (1-2) [Indonesia]
The Indonesian Navy has a long-standing desire for a larger submarine fleet. The TNI-AL currently has four SSKs in its inventory, including one Cakra-class submarine in ...
Naval: shipboard communication systems
Naval: shipboard communication systems | Submarine Procurement (1-2) [Indonesia]
The Indonesian Navy has a long-standing desire for a larger submarine fleet. The TNI-AL currently has four SSKs in its inventory, including one Cakra-class submarine in ...
Equipment Results - Defence Insight
Military - USVs, Military - UUVs
UMIS (Unmanned MCM Information System), unveiled at Euronaval 2016, uses a collaborative system of surface and underwater robots. The UMIS MCM deploys AUVs carrying the ...
Military - UUVs
K-Ster C
K-Ster C is a mine disposal system (MDS) equipped with a tiltable warhead. It is also equipped with a dual-frequency sonar for long-range target detection ...
Military - UUVs
K-Ster I
K-Ster I is a lightweight, self-propelled ROV developed for mine warfare applications. K-Ster I is easy to deploy from any type of naval platform, including ...
Military - UUVs
The A18 is a high-resolution, high-coverage, mid-size AUV. It is able to perform missions such as homeland security, hydrographic survey, mine countermeasures and rapid environmental ...
Military - USVs
Inspector 90
The USV Inspector 90 is a multipurpose drone platform based on hydro-jet propulsion, able to be operated in autonomous mode, remoted control or onboard steering. ...
Military UGVs
Cobra Mk2
The Cobra Mk2 is a 5kg UGV designed for EOD/IED disposal and CBRN operations. The modular architecture of the Cobra Mk2 E supports different types of ...
Submarines: conventional, attack
Scorpene Class
The Chilean Scorpene-class were procured from the consortium composed of Naval Group and Navantia in the late 1990s. The submarines, which were delivered between 2005 and ...
Military - UUVs
The A18-M AUV is a configuration of ECA Group’s A18 AUV family, dedicated to military applications. With magnetic and acoustic signatures compliant to STANAG 1364, ...
UAS: Integrated systems - uncrewed
I4 Drone
The I4 Drone is a multi-drone, multi-environment mission system for naval drones. It has been designed and developed by Naval Group (formerly DCNS) for an ...
Military UAS - rotary-wing, Military UAS - tactical
The Infotron IT180 VTOL mini-UAS is designed to perform a range of missions in civilian and military sectors, such as surveillance, site protection, inspection, pollution ...
Military - USVs
Inspector 125
The USV Inspector 125 is a multipurpose naval platform designed for demanding operations in various sea state conditions. It is capable of manned, remote-controlled and ...
Military - USVs
Inspector 120
The Inspector 120 USV is a multipurpose naval platform by ECA Group that was unveiled in 2018. It is based on the proven Inspector 90 ...
City Class
Twelve new Mine Countermeasures Vessels (MCMVs) are being built to replace the ageing Tripartite-class MCMVs due to retire from service in 2023. The programme is ...
Military - UUVs
The A9 is a light, man-portable AUV, enabling deployment from small craft and in shallow water as a hand-launched vehicle. This AUV embeds the latest ...
Military UGVs
TSR 202
The TSR 202 is a UGV in service with French forces and other military and police forces around the world for EOD/IED detection and neutralisation, ...