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US Army Aviation targets increased UAS and CUAS capabilities

13th September 2024 - 10:36 GMT | by Wilder Alejandro Sanchez in Washington DC


An MQ-9 Reaper drone preparing for takeoff at Laguna Army Airfield, Arizona, earlier this year. (Photo: US Marine Corps/Lance Cpl. Elizabeth Gallagher)

Despite claiming there was no need for a drone corps, Army Aviation remains ready to address UAS and CUAS warfighter requirements, as it focuses on adaptability and rapid deployment across all levels of warfare.

Senior US Army Aviation commanders have called for its evolving focus on integrating unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and counter-unmanned aerial systems (CUAS) into their operations to increase without creating a drone corps or investing in “20-year programmes”.

The importance of UAS and CUAS for combat operations was discussed by the commanders at day-long conference themed “Decisive in the Air-Ground-Littoral” and organised by the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) earlier this month in Washington DC. The gathering, which included the vice-chief of the Army and representatives from several US Army Aviation units and centres, focused on the

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Wilder Alejandro Sanchez


Wilder Alejandro Sanchez

Wilder Alejandro Sánchez is an analyst who covers defense & security, geopolitical, and trade issues …

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