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Unmanned option for surplus Snatch vehicles

22nd September 2010 - 17:53 GMT | by Andrew White in London


Providing a solution for ‘several thousand’ Snatch Land Rovers earmarked for disposal, Marshall Land Systems yesterday unveiled an unmanned version of the much-maligned vehicle, designed for force protection duties in Afghanistan.

On show for the first time at its Petersfield site in Hampshire, the 4x4 technology demonstrator (TD) is based on the long wheelbase military vehicle which has come in for criticism during operations in Afghanistan for its lack of protection against improvised explosive devices.

Speaking to Unmanned Vehicles, Marshall Land Systems said the TD provided a perfect solution for Snatch 1 and 2 vehicles, some of which have already been

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Andrew White


Andrew White

Andrew is a former editor of Digital Battlespace and Unmanned Vehicles magazines. Andrew joined Shephard …

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