Themis UAV applications teams up with Rada electronic industries in an innovative aircraft upgrade contract
Themis UAV applications has signed a contract with Rada electronic industries to provide consulting, system characterization, training and customer support services to a customer in Latin America in a unique aircraft upgrade project.
In the first phase of the project Themis will provide the development of an operational concept and user interface characterization. The second phase includes post purchase instruction services that begin with the development of a training package and continues with customer instruction and support.
This project follows similar projects that Themis has performed in the UAV market that included system characterization, instruction for all UAV professions and consulting for system development and purchase.
"Themis is happy to cooperate with Rada electronic industries and implement her vast experience in UAV instruction, consulting & operation to this project" says Ziv Avni, Marketing and BD VP "We see great potential in expanding our activities and entering the manned aircraft market".
Source: Themis UAV