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Tellumat introduces new UAV video/data link

24th January 2014 - 16:52 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Tellumat has introduced a new high performance video/data link radio product for UAV operations, called the DL-5000. Optimised for modern UAV applications with high video bandwidth of up to 16 Mbps, the DL-5000 supports high-definition video streaming in a ruggedised 3kg enclosure.

The DL-5000 is an Internet Protocol (IP) based radio, making remote operations or networked range extension beyond-line-of-sight operations possible. As a result, the network-ready DL-5000 radio allows users to cover large areas, provided a ground-based communication network infrastructure exists.

The system has been designed to overcome the challenge of extended range operations through satellite communication when satellites are not easily accessible to users without significant rental costs for bandwidth.

Shareef Hoosain, data link product manager, Tellumat, said: ’The DL-5000 mass saving means users can add a few extra litres of fuel instead, with the benefit of longer missions without compromising video bandwidth or range. This makes the DL-5000 very attractive to the market.

The company also provides complete point-to-point link solutions, including antenna combinations and antenna trackers to meet specific operational range and mobility requirements.

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