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Teledyne FLIR launches Stormcaster-DX for standoff drone-based targeting

18th May 2022 - 09:00 GMT | by Andrew White in London


R80D Skyraider VTOL UAS with the Stormcaster-DX laser target designator. (Photo: Teledyne FLIR)

The Stormcaster-DX laser target designator for small VTOL UASs is designed for small unit teams operating at the tactical edge who require the ability to designate targets at short notice.

Teledyne FLIR Defense (TFD) has unveiled a specialist payload for small VTOL UASs that allows small unit teams to laser designate targets at the tactical edge.

Exhibited for the first time at Modern Day Marine on 10-12 May in Washington DC, the Stormcaster-DX laser target designator (LTD) has been designed as a modular payload which can be quickly attached to FLIR’s R80D Skyraider VTOL UAS.

Meeting NATO standards, the LTD is optimised to designate targets for any type of laser guided weapons, whether launched from the ground, air or maritime environment.

According to company officials, a laser spot tracker assists

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Andrew White


Andrew White

Andrew is a former editor of Digital Battlespace and Unmanned Vehicles magazines. Andrew joined Shephard …

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