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Strategic overview: The Ukraine conflict’s robotic armies

12th September 2024 - 09:11 GMT | by ​Neil Thompson


A presentation of Ukrainian defence tech cluster Brave1 in 2023 saw the Shark drone demonstrated by Ukrspecsystems. (Photo: Iryna Supruniuk25/Wikimedia Commons)

Kiev and Moscow have been competing over who can better harness the ongoing revolution in military affairs caused by AI-controlled and human-operated robots and drones.

Ukrainian defence firms have emerged as technological innovators in response to the Russian invasion of their country in 2022. The Ukrainian government has helped nurture local engineering talent, via the establishment of technology clusters such as BRAVE1, to act as entry points to the field of Ukrainian defence technology for entrepreneurs, investors or volunteers interested in collaborating.

The country has also been hosting defence-related events for investors, developers, and international and local defence firms to attract the funding needed to finance the ideas generated by groups like BRAVE1.

Funding platforms such as United24 have also raised money to design

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​Neil Thompson


​Neil Thompson

Neil Thompson is a freelance journalist for Shephard and other publishers. He currently works as …

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