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Singapore Airshow 2020: Singapore rolls out the robots

13th February 2020 - 10:00 GMT | by Gordon Arthur in Singapore


Several types of UGV made their appearance on the stand of ST Engineering at Singapore Airshow 2020, ranging from the well-known THeMIS to a small follow-me robot.

The company is cooperating with Milrem Robotics of Estonia to integrate a 40mm automatic grenade launcher and 12.7mm machine gun on the THeMIS. This weapon combination is known as the ST Engineering Adder DM 40/50.

The resultant tracked vehicle is designated the Dual-Mount Large-Scale UGV, and an official said it is designed for use at company level. Live firing was completed in Estonia  in 2019, and the nearly 350kg stabilised Adder system — containing

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Gordon Arthur


Gordon Arthur

Gordon Arthur was the Asia Pacific editor for Shephard Media. Born in Scotland and educated …

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