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Schiebel Camcopter S-100 demos new payload capabilities

19th December 2018 - 06:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The capabilities of the Schiebel Camcopter S-100 UAS' new COMINT and imaging payloads have been put to the test by the Australian Army.

The Australian Army conducted a two-week exercise with the Camcopter S-100 to gain further insights into future capabilities and payloads in support of Project Land 129-3. The army tested ELTA Systems’ ELK-7065 compact airborne high-frequency COMINT/DF 3D system during the first week, followed by Overwatch Imaging’s TK-5 Firewatch during the second week.

The combination of Camcopter S-100 and the ELK-7065 offers a flexible COMINT capability that provides rapid spectrum exploration, analysis and detection of advanced high-frequency communication signals in real time

and with off-line analysis tools. It is also able to operate in harsh electromagnetic environments.

Overwatch Imaging’s TK-5 Firewatch payload bridges the gap between small UAS mapping cameras and satellite mapping systems. The wide-area multi-band land mapping with automatic small object detection enables regional-scale applications in real time with high resolution. It includes colour, near-IR and temperature-calibrated thermal longwave IR sensors that operate at the same time, including simultaneous on-board image processing for ISR missions.

The multi-payload capable S-100 can be operated in day and night, under adverse weather conditions and with a beyond line-of-sight range of up to 200km.

Camcopter S-100

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