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Reaper demonstrates three ATLC improvements

26th June 2020 - 10:45 GMT | by Shephard News Team


General Atomics Aeronautical Systems has demonstrated three expanded automatic takeoff and landing capability (ATLC) enhancements for the MQ-9A Reaper UAS, under a modernisation contract from the USAF.

Together, the three ALTC improvements deliver ‘a dramatic increase in operational flexibility,’ the company claimed in a 25 June statement.

One enhancement enables the MQ-9A to land under satellite control at an alternate airfield where there is no ground control station. The UAV uses its multispectral EO/IR sensor to obtain co-ordinates for automatic landing.

Another improvement expands the cross-wind limits of the Reaper, and the third increases the maximum landing weight for normal and emergency landings.

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MQ-9A Reaper

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