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India moves forward on indigenous UCAV

13th November 2020 - 01:32 GMT | by Neelam Mathews in Delhi

India is currently developing an indigenous stealth UCAV design.

India’s ambitious Ghatak (meaning ‘lethal’) UCAV project is taking baby steps in its development. 

An expression of interest released last month for nine prototypes will be followed by an RfP to Indian companies, for which the lowest bidder will be selected for engineering, manufacture, assembly and integration.

A 1t SWiFT (Stealth Wing Flying Testbed) technology demonstrator powered by a Russian NPO Saturn 36MT turbofan engine (also used on the Nirbhay cruise missile), built in collaboration with the Aeronautical Development Establishment, is expected to fly next year.

The Ghatak in its final form will weigh around 6t and is to fly

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Neelam Mathews


Neelam Mathews

Neelam Mathews was born in India and completed her education in London.

She has written for …

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