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Poland picks local provider to meet sUAS requirement

1st October 2020 - 10:57 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The Polish Armed Forces are to receive six new VTOL sUAS and associated equipment in 2021, under a PLN4.6 million ($1.19 million) deal between the country’s MoD and Asseco Poland.

Asseco will also provide user training. The company, which was selected after a competitive evaluation by the MoD, is known for its IT solutions for the banking and telecommunications industries, as well as providing software support for the Polish military.

Each sUAS comes with two primary systems, two backup systems and the Asseco C2 ground station.

The miniature UAVs will be used ‘to conduct day and night reconnaissance activities in a diverse environment in the field of image recognition (IMINT) through the use of electro-optical and infrared sensors’, the MoD announced in a 24 September statement.

The Polish MoD requires small VTOL UAVs that can operate at more than 6,500ft above sea level, enabling direct communication with a C2 ground station more than 1,200m away.

Procurement of these six sUASs may be connected to the Wizjer programme to buy 25 small UAVs for delivery from 2020-2022.

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