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Australian Army airs UAV ambitions

9th October 2017 - 21:00 GMT | by Gordon Arthur in Sydney


The Australian Army laid out its road map for future UAVs at the Pacific International Maritime Exposition in Sydney on 4 October. Lt Col Keirin Joyce, the Australian Army’s UAS sub-programme manager, said his service has a requirement for UAVs to support amphibious operations, for example.

This includes multi-layered types for tasks such as reconnaissance of beaches, landing zones and staging areas, and deep support of special forces.

The army’s two Shadow 200 tactical UAV systems are already halfway through their life of type and they will be replaced under Project Land 129 Phase 3 in 2022-25. The army has

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Gordon Arthur


Gordon Arthur

Gordon Arthur was the Asia Pacific editor for Shephard Media. Born in Scotland and educated …

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