New possibilities of pilotless helicopters
According to the words of head of research services of “Helicopters of Russia” Vadim Mikheev: the company actively participates in the development of pilotless helicopters.
In this program participate all department belonging to the “Helicopters of Russia”, including Moscow Helicopter Plant the name of Mile, “Kazan Helicopter Plant”, Kamov, Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise.
“All the helicopters we have created in this project are still only experimental models” – said the head of the researching-service of “Helicopters of Russia”.
Pilotless helicopter is more difficult to create than the drone. The main difficulties is the technology of landing of the helicopter,” - said V. Mikheev.
He referred to the bad experience of other countries in this field. In particular, in the 1970's failed the U.S. project for reequipment of destroyers for use with a deck of pilotless helicopters. About 200 cars were lost during 2 years.
Meanwhile, the Federal Security Service and Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia show interest in pilotless helicopters and make specific requirements for their design. According to words of V. Mikheev, above all these structures focused on the use of pilotless aviation in the fight against terrorism.
“Pilotless vehicle effective for operations in which the use of pilot vehicles is dangerous” explained head of the press-service.