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NASC, UAVT plan joint flight demonstration

24th April 2017 - 16:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Navmar Applied Sciences Corporation (NASC) and UAV Turbines (UAVT) will carry out a joint flight demonstration of NASC's TigerShark UAS powered by a UAVT micro-turboprop propulsion system by the end of 2017, the companies announced on 20 April.

The micro-turboprop engine has a new recuperator design, developed to significantly increase engine efficiency.

The demonstration is part of a joint effort to integrate Group 3 and 4 UAS with microturbine technology in order to realise the benefits of the technology.

Kirk Warshaw, president, UAVT, said: 'The benefits of turbines were clear to the air transport industry when turbojets first came into service in 1958, and they quickly dominated the industry. The same advantages of high reliability, long life, smooth quiet operation, and the use of safe heavy JP fuel have long made turbine propulsion desirable for UAVs, although no one until now has produced a viable system.

'Development of turboprops for UAVs presented extreme challenges due to the high temperatures and physical forces involved in obtaining sufficient power from very small systems. UAVT has spent seventeen years and tens of millions of dollars to overcome these challenges and achieve reliable solutions.'

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