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Multi-mission USV proposed as floating comms nexus for CEE region

19th October 2019 - 13:00 GMT | by Michal Jarocki in Warsaw


Boeing, acting through its subsidiary, Liquid Robotics, is offering its Wave Glider USV for countries in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region as a low-cost solution for ASW and ISR mission requirements.

According to Boeing, Wave Glider has a wide range of defence and security applications and could significantly enhance operational capabilities of the armed forces of a number of CEE countries, such as the Baltic States, Poland or Romania, which are making an effort to protect its maritime interests and face a growing threat from Russia. 

The company pointed to Wave Glider’s interoperability with a number of surface,

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Michal Jarocki


Michal Jarocki

Michal Jarocki is a Shephard correspondent based in Warsaw, Poland. He is reporting on military …

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