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Israel takes aim at UAVs

26th October 2015 - 06:57 GMT | by Gordon Arthur in Seoul


Israeli OEM's are pitching counter-UAV solutions to South Korea, whose capabilities are expected to be given a boost following UAV incursions from North Korea, which saw four incidents in 2014 alone.

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), appearing at the Seoul ADEX show from 20-25 October, was promoting a new system called Drone Guard that combines 3-D radars, jammers and EO sensors to protect assets ranging from small to strategic in size.

Taking a quadrotor UAV, for example, the challenge is detecting such a low radar signature and low-speed target against a cluttered background. Drone Guard provdes scalable and customisable solutions to

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Gordon Arthur


Gordon Arthur

Gordon Arthur was the Asia Pacific editor for Shephard Media. Born in Scotland and educated …

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