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Insitu continues ties with Royal Navy on ScanEagle

16th May 2018 - 15:05 GMT | by Beth Maundrill in Mazagón


While the UK’s Royal Navy ceased using the Insitu ScanEagle in 2017, the company has suggested that it is still working with the service on resurrecting the capability.

Lack of funding has been attributed as one of the main culprits in the UK Ministry of Defence axing the system after the urgent operational needs (UON) requirement contract ended.  

Speaking to journalists at its Onward18 event held in Spain Jon Damush, chief growth officer at Insitu confirmed that the company, along with Boeing UK, is continuing to work with the navy and liaise with them closely to maintain that

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Beth Maundrill


Beth Maundrill

Beth is Deputy Editor - Land at Shephard Media, managing coverage across all formats of …

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