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Indo Defence: Wulung UAV goes into production for TNI

5th November 2014 - 11:01 GMT | by Darren Lake in Jakarta


PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) has begun production of the Wulung medium range UAV for the Indonesian armed forces (TNI). 

R&D organisation Badan Pengkajian Dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) began development of the Wulung in 2004, according to Joko Purwano, defence coordinator for BPPT, with production of the finalised design being taken on by PTDI last year.

Purwano told Shephard that the majority of the UAV’s internal systems, including its EO/IR payload, had been sourced on the international market rather than domestically-developed. The UAV has maximum take-off weight of 120kg and an operational endurance of four hours.

The Wulung has a cruising

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Darren Lake


Darren Lake

Darren has more than two decades of experience in aerospace and defence journalism. After completing …

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