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FirstLook delivered to Germany as Endeavor continues bumper year

30th November 2017 - 11:00 GMT | by Richard Thomas in London


Endeavor Robotics recently concluded the delivery of 44 FirstLook UGVs to Germany, following a competitive industry bid and trial process.

The platforms are used by a wide range of civil, parapublic and military customers around the world. The 5lb throwable UGV can be dropped 16ft onto hard surfaces such as concrete without sustaining damage, the company states.

In a statement Tom Frost, president at Endeavor Robotics, said that the FirstLook ‘is a critical tool’ that is ‘used globally to keep soldiers and first responders safe from lethal threats.

‘We are pleased to deliver the same critical capability to our allies

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Richard Thomas


Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas is the Senior Editor, Naval at Shephard Media. Richard joined the company in …

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