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Eurosatory: UGVs add to infantry unit capabilities

21st June 2016 - 11:23 GMT | by Richard Thomas in Paris


Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) will become as much a vital component of an infantry unit as the team medic or other specialist roles, according to a senior Roboteam official.

Showcasing their range of UGVs, including the MTGR tactical system, the Probot logistics platform and the hand-carried IRIS, the official said their lineup was aimed at the squad to battalion level and envisaged a future scenario where infantry platoons would have a UGV operator incorporated into its structure.

‘Each platoon would have a gunner, a media and a robot operator. When operating [in IED rich environments] first you would send

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Richard Thomas


Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas is the Senior Editor, Naval at Shephard Media. Richard joined the company in …

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