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Elbit Systems unveils Hermes 90 UAS

15th June 2009 - 13:10 GMT | by Shephard News Team


During the Paris Air Show Elbit Systems Ltd unveiled its new UAV system Hermes 90, which draws on the rich experience and performance-proven capabilities of Elbit Systems' Skylark and Hermes UAS families.

Among the main features of the Hermes 90 are: high survivability, long endurance up to 18 hours, mission range of up to 100 km, varied payloads integration capability and dual launch and recovery methods, including integral launcher for point launch and recovery on non-prepared surfaces without using any dedicated ground equipment, as well as strip operation. The system enables full integration with any C4I system, for fast imagery dissemination as well as easy coordination among operational forces in the field. Thanks to these capabilities, the Hermes 90 is highly suited for various missions and particularly maneuvering forces. The Hermes 90 system supports open area as well as urban warfare scenarios for wartime, peace-keeping, low-intensity conflict, security, homeland defence and other non-military missions.

The Hermes 90 performs day, night and adverse weather missions. The system's compact and lightweight features enable it to be carried onboard two field class vehicles (eg Humvee) and to be easily deployed in full cycle operations by a two- or three-person crew. The system includes an advanced ground control station (GCS) for monitoring and controlling the mission, mounted on board one of the field class vehicles. The system's autonomous capabilities together with the simple operating abilities through all mission stages, facilitate optimal deployment, without the need for complex training or special skills. The advanced UAS incorporates highly autonomous capabilities suitable for various missions and flight modes common to all the Hermes and Skylark families of UAS.

The basic Hermes 90 configuration includes a Micro-Compass electro-optic payload, featuring exceptional surveillance performance, which includes a color CCD day camera, third generation cooled thermal imaging and a laser marker. The Micro Compass can also include a laser range finder or a laser designator. In addition to the electro-optic payload, the new Hermes 90 is integratable with other payloads for various operational missions.

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