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Cubic joins DARPA’s Air Combat Evolution programme for AI air combat

29th July 2024 - 10:52 GMT | by Tony Fyler


Frank Kendall, secretary of the US Air Force, flies in the X-62 VISTA in the skies above Edwards Air Force Base, California, May 2. (Photo: US Air Force, Richard Gonzales)

The company has added its SLATE technology to the manoeuvring routine of the X-62A modified F-16 aircraft.

Cubic Defense has joined the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA’s) Air Combat Evolution programme, an effort designed to increase trust in air combat autonomy, using human-machine collaborative dogfighting as its challenge problem.

The programme ran the first “human vs AI” dogfight in the air in 2023, using a modified F-16 called the X-62A or VISTA (Variable In-flight Simulator Test Aircraft).

The ultimate goal of the programme is to raise and predict human trust in autonomous flight systems in combat situations, though the position of armed forces around the world currently remains wedded to human-in-the-loop models.

Frank Kendall, secretary of the US Air

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Tony Fyler


Tony Fyler

Tony Fyler is defence reporter at Shephard. He has experience in business and technology …

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