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Camcopter S-100 selected for Arctic 2030 project

7th May 2019 - 10:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Schiebel’s Camcopter S-100 UAS has been selected by Norway’s Andøya Test Center for extensive SAR trials as part of the Arctic 2030 project, the company announced on 2 May.

The Arctic 2030 project aims to demonstrate the ability of VTOL UAS to operate in the Arctic region in an effort to increase maritime safety. For this project, the Camcopter S-100 will be equipped with an electro-optical/infra-red camera gimbal, an Overwatch Imaging PT-8 Oceanwatch payload, an automatic identification system receiver and a maritime broadband radio.

Tests are scheduled to commence in autumn 2019 with the UAS being deployed from Norwegian Coast Guard vessels in Andfjorden, Northern Norway. More operations are planned in Spitsbergen in spring 2020.

The Camcopter S-100 can fly for up to six hours carrying multiple payloads. The VTOL platform can perform in the harshest weather conditions, flying in temperatures as low as -40°C.

Camcopter S-100

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