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Camcopter S-100 conducts North Sea demo

30th April 2014 - 08:43 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Schiebel has demonstrated the capabilities of the S-100 Camcopter unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to Dutch authorities in the North Sea, west of Den Helder in the Netherlands.

The S-100, carrying an L3 Wescam MX-10 electro-optic sensor payload, performed demonstrations across a range of maritime scenarios from a Dutch navy vessel, highlighting Camcopter’s ability to bring commanders and decision makers time-critical information quickly and efficiently.

Scenarios included deploying the S-100 to assess risks and determine the possible locations of missing crew members following a fire onboard a vessel carrying dangerous substances. Another saw the S-100 deployed to follow a suspect vessel involved in smuggling operations, relaying live feed to commanders to inform decision making.

Hans Georg Schiebel, chairman, Schiebel Group, said: ‘This series of trials once again showed how the S-100 can provide a cost effective capability to maritime commanders and decision makers whether ashore or afloat.’

Camcopter S-100

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