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Airbus outlines unmanned strategies

12th April 2018 - 09:15 GMT | by Beth Maundrill in Amsterdam


As drones become more commonplace Airbus is continuing to explore the use of unmanned technologies throughout a variety of different applications.

During the Commercial UAV Expo in Amsterdam the airline manufacturer said it will now be using drones to inspect all A350 and A320 aircraft that come off the production line at its site in Toulouse, France.

Jesse Kallman, president of Airbus Aerial, told an audience that although airports and drones have traditionally been separated this could eventually be an initiative moved to airports to carry out maintenance on in-service aircraft.

Meanwhile, work is ongoing to incorporate the Airbus Defence

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Beth Maundrill


Beth Maundrill

Beth is Deputy Editor - Land at Shephard Media, managing coverage across all formats of …

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