ADECS 2019: Cougar XT ROV for RNZN vessel
Saab Seaeye’s Cougar XT ROV has been selected by Østensjø Rederi to equip the Royal New Zealand Navy’s pending hydrographic survey vessel MV Edda Fonn, the company announced on 18 January.
The ROV features a launch and recovery system with snubber, heave compensation and electric winch motors. It is fitted with three cameras, a multi-beam sonar system, a tether management system and three individual tool skids with manipulators, cutters and water jetting system.
The 1.5m-long ROV is powered by six thrusters, each interfaced with a fast-acting control system and solid-state gyro for enhanced azimuth stability and control.
The ROV also features a control room and can be launched from a mezzanine deck inside the vessel’s ROV hangar. The 2,000m-rated ROV can be used for survey, drill support, light construction projects and salvage support operations.
It is compliant with NORSOK 102 3ed. 2016 Class II B.
Østensjø Rederi has been contracted to deliver MV Edda Fonn multipurpose support vessel to the New Zealand MoD in 2019 with an integrated ROV and dive system.
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