VSTEP, Damen partner for RBDF simulators
Damen has partnered with VSTEP to deliver a NAUTIS Full Mission Bridge Simulator with Alphatron Marine equipment to the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF), VSTEP announced on 23 March.
The delivery is part of the RBDF's Sandy Bottom project, under which it is developing its port and base infrastructure, acquiring a range of Damen patrol vessels and upgrading its existing fleet.
Working with Damen, VSTEP will develop four simulated vessels for use in its custom simulator that will include the digital recreation of the Bahamas, an area of 13,878 sq km, including nine detailed ports.
The simulator will be based on the latest version 3.0 of NAUTIS featuring graphics, advanced ship dynamics and increased accuracy and visual fidelity of the sea, allowing for the most realistic training possible.
The synergy between the simulator training, familiarisation training already carried out by Damen, and the general commonalities between the different classes of vessel and the bridge systems will increase the patrol capabilities of the RBDF.
Pjotr van Schothorst, CEO of VSTEP, said: 'The crews of these new vessels will be trained on the simulator for situations which are difficult or dangerous in real life, which makes them well prepared. They can train for ship handling and manoeuvring, and prepare for various operations relevant in their area.'
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