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USMC looks to the future with FoFTS-Next

10th March 2022 - 10:15 GMT | by Trevor Nash in Holsworthy


FoFTS-Next will provide the US Marine Corps with higher-fidelity TESS and allow it to train more widely with its allies. (Photo: Saab)

The USMC has taken the next step in procuring a laser-based TESS system that will enable it to conduct expeditionary warfare training with its allies.

Saab Inc has received a contract modification from the USMC Systems Command in Quantico, Virginia as part of its Force on Force Training Systems - Next (FoFTS-Next) programme.

The initial FoFTS-Next award was made in June 2021 for $54 million. This latest $68.87 million contract modification also includes 52 options that increase the potential total contract value to $248 million.

According to the USMC, 'the FoFTS-Next Increment 1 [contract award] consists of instrumentation systems for individuals, vehicles, buildings and weapons. FoFTS-Next Increment 1 also encompasses the command and control and network systems required to transport, process, and display data from

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Trevor Nash


Trevor Nash

After a career in the British Army, Trevor Nash worked in the simulation and training …

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