USAF aims to integrate joint ops principles into military education
The USAF's 705th Training Squadron (TS), Hurlburt Field at Florida recently hosted visitors from the Air University (AU) to review the former Multi-domain Warfare Officer (13O) training programme.
The aim of the visit was to determine the most optimal integration of Joint All-Domain Operations (JADO) principles and operational planning instruction into various levels of the USAF’s Professional Military Education (PME) system.
Over the two-day visit, the 705th TS shared 13O Initial Skill Training courseware and the approach that generated officers in JADO planning.
During the visit AU representatives also observed 505th TS instructors providing Air Operations Center Initial Qualification Training (AOCIQ), the 505th Combat Training Squadron providing air component expertise and its AOC replication capabilities and the wing’s advanced programme SMEs who offered insight into incorporating special technical operations content into the JADO Strategist programme at AU.
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