US to provide training for Saudi navy
The US Government has given the greenlight for the provision of training to the Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF) under a deal worth up to US$250 million which will also include logistics and programme support.
The agreement followed on from an earlier order to provide RSNF with training under a $37 million deal which, similar to the latest order, will cover precision targeting, collateral damage reduction, core technical and professional development training, ship repair facility maintainer and language proficiency courses, and professional military education provided by the US Navy.
The deal was proceeded by similar requests from Saudi Arabia including one agreed in December 2023 with the Royal Saudi Air Force for $1 billion and another $750 million deal for the country’s armed forces in 2017.
The 2017 order was a continuation of a blanket order training programme including flight training, technical training, professional military education, specialised training, mobile training teams (MTTs) and English language training. It also included civilian casualty avoidance, the law of armed conflict, human rights, C2 and targeting.
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