US MPs train for combat support
The US Army Reserve Military Police (MP) from the 200th Military Police Command are training on combat support and detainee operations, the US Army announced on 9 May.
The Warrior Exercise (WAREX) is being overseen by the 91st Training Division and included national guard, army reserve and active-duty soldiers from 80 units. The battlefield strategy and detainee operations were mainly handled by the 160th Military Police Battalion, while the 56th Military Police Company trained on various infantry-type skills.
The company trained on conducting attacks, setting up traffic control points, base security and cordon and search missions. They conducted convoys with Armoured Security Vehicles and High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicles. Their weapons included MK19 grenade launchers and .50-cal M2 Bradley machine guns, among others.
The annual training lasted over two weeks, beginning from individual training lanes and ending at comprehensive field training exercises with last-minute scenarios.
Sgt 1st Class Marcus Brown, said: ‘Bottom line, an MP company can not only go out in the battlefield and be a force multiplier, but we can also be a quick reaction team. We can train local police and host nation police … We carry a lot of firepower, and on top of that, we're Johnny on the spot. A good MP team, no matter what, will be there, no fail.’
The Fort Hunter-Liggett training areas feature multiple field operational bases, makeshift villages, outposts, dirt roadways for Counter-IED lanes, training support and virtual simulators from the 91st Training Division.
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