Triton Ocean v. 4.39 arrives in a promising market
The latest product improvement from visualisation specialists Sundog Software is the launch of v.4.39 of its Triton Ocean SDK (Software Development Kit). This follows recent updates to its SilverLining Sky, 3D Cloud and Sky SDK products.
Triton Ocean SDK is used to generate automatic ocean effects, such as sea states and ship’s wakes, for use with image generation simulation and gaming platforms.
According to Sundog founder Frank Kane: ‘Triton 4.39 includes a round of visual improvements to help simulated water look more realistic’.
The main improvement relates to the spray effect on ocean waves in rough seas.
‘Under high winds, you used to be able to clearly see individual spray particles flying about, which really ruined the immersion,’ explained Kane. ‘Our fix for this is simple: we make the spray particles larger as the wind speed increases.
‘Higher winds would spread out the spray more anyhow, and this leads to better-looking effects where the particles continue to overlap even as the winds increase.’
In discussing business levels beyond COVID, Kane opined that ‘this past year has been rough for us all, but here at Sundog we're starting to see some promising signs of recovery in the simulation and training industry. A new fiscal year seems to be bringing in more new contracts for our customers, and renewed innovation in the field'.
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