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ThoroughTec targets As-Pac market

16th August 2016 - 13:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


ThoroughTec Simulation will be using Land Forces 2016 to target armoured fighting vehicle simulation requirements in the Asia-Pacific market, the company announced on 16 August.

Two new products will be highlighted at the show, including next generation driver and tactical crew training simulators for infantry combat vehicles (ICVs). ThoroughTec’s high-fidelity simulators integrate vehicle, weapon and sensor performance models with ultra-realistic instruments and controls, to authentically replicate the armoured fighting vehicle operational experience and completely immerse trainee vehicle crews in an ultra-realistic 3D virtual environment. 

In addition to contributing to the development of the current Crew Procedural Trainers for Australia’s ASLAV vehicles, ThoroughTec is currently developing a Tactical Crew Training Simulator for a Southeast Asian country’s new ICV. 

David Cooke, regional vice president for military, ThoroughTec, said: ‘Generally, our clients are committed to maintaining conventional, mechanised warfare skills despite the prevailing emphasis on low-intensity operations. It is now widely accepted that simulation offers an ideally cost effective and highly efficient means of keeping armoured formations honed in the complex and costly art of high-mobility, mechanised operations.'

Richard Bellengere, head of operations at ThoroughTec , said: ‘Trainees will enter a ‘world’ where they will need to apply all of their procedural and tactical knowledge in order to ‘survive’, let alone ‘win’. The AI-Enemy is pretty unforgiving, so the crew really need to know their business and function as a cohesive team to have any hope of getting through the exercises.

‘Considering the cost, risk and therefore limitations of traditional, live-fire training, our simulators promise to enhance both the efficiency and effectiveness of operator training programmes, delivering highly proficient operators at a fraction of the cost of traditional training methods.’

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