TCM ATIS awarded Program of Record status
The US Army has awarded Program of Record status to the Training and Doctrine Command Capability Manager - Army Training Information System (TCM ATIS), which is working to consolidate multiple training information management systems, the army announced on 17 April.
US Army organisations have developed over 35 information systems to perform functions such as scheduling training, developing training content, tracking unit training records, and accounting for training aids, devices, simulators and simulations (TADSS). These multiple systems create inefficiencies, requiring multiple training data entries and the maintenance of multiple systems.
The army plans to consolidate the systems in order to increase efficiency and deliver training content to soldiers whenever required. The push to combine the systems gained momentum with TCM ATIS' designation as a Program of Record, which makes ATIS part of the army budget. It also gives the organisation additional authority to ensure the consolidated system meets army enterprise requirements.
David Bolt, chief of TCM ATIS' systems development office, said: 'We're pleased that the army recognised the significance for our work to make it easier to plan, prepare, execute and assess training.'
The consolidated system will have five capabilities including training management; enterprise training scheduling; training development for materials such as tasks, collective tasks and lesson plans; army learning and content management; and training resource management to track training enablers such as TADSS.
The consolidated system's initial capabilities are expected to come on line in 2021, with full capabilities expected in the following year. Until then TCM ATIS and other system owners will operate the legacy systems.
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