ST Engineering Antycip launches new simulator programme
ST Engineering Antycip has officially launched its new simulator programme, MyIG. MyIG has been used by several customers and is said to enable realistic flight, driving, maritime and aerial refuelling simulations, with FLIR sensor simulations and virtual reality (VR) applications.
MyIG is a Common Image Generator Interface-compliant (CIGI), general-purpose synchronised multi-channel image generator, with specialised features targeted to real-time simulations.
An additional layer of detail to the graphics was added by a dedicated shader code for real-time sampling of environment lighting, while the systems tone-mapping shader allows for the realistic simulation of strongly varying light levels in the scene. With these features, complex and difficult lighting situations can be realistically simulated.
To further enhance realism, ST Engineering Antycip has included features such as environmental lighting and real-time dynamic shadows that can be cast by all objects in the scene. The system, with its weather-rendering module called SkyCloud, can deliver volumetric cloud rendering, enabling simulations of regional weather patterns with smooth and continuous transitions between local and global phenomena.
MyIG can be integrated within external applications and with custom interfaces or rendering code. The solution’s high dynamic range (HDR) rendering pipeline was also equipped with the latest PBR (Physically Based Rendering) materials and shading support, allowing the creation of highly realistic images, the company said.
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