Scott AFB using C-130H Hercules FuT
A new ground aeromedical evacuation (AE) fuselage trainer (FuT) has entered service at US Scott Air Force Base, putting into use a C-130H Hercules aircraft that was scheduled for decommissioning from Little Rock AFB, Arkansas.
The C-130H FuT provides a controlled environment where personnel can schedule realistic, high-fidelity task training and mission simulation, ensuring that AE crew and ground support personnel remain proficient in providing high quality and reliable patient transport.
The FuT also allows for hands-on muscle memory of configuration, placement of in-flight kits, electrical, oxygen and emergency exits.
Maj Mark Hassett, 375th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron (AES) operations flight commander, said: 'The C-130H FuT provides an innovative, cost effective, improved training platform for total force AE and ground support personnel in terms of aircraft configuration familiarisation and realistic, high-fidelity task training and mission simulation.
'(The 375th) AES worked with AMC and C-130 training resources to determine what parts were needed to sustain a realistic training platform. Critical components deemed unnecessary for AE training were removed from the aircraft and recycled so other agencies could use them.'
The C-130 is the primary aircraft for the 375th AES and performs a large amount of patient evacuations during operations.
Hassett added: 'In conjunction with our KC-135 (Stratotanker) simulation learning centre/cargo compartment trainer, both training platforms provide two of the three primary aircraft used for AE in a low threat, hi-fidelity capacity for clinical as well as operational exposure.'
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