Saab develops new training app
Saab has introduced a new app called WE:Go for soldiers using Saab’s GAMER instrumented training system.
The app provides after-action review for individual soldiers training on the GAMER system. Each soldier’s data can be downloaded from GAMER onto a smartphone or tablet, including the participant’s positions, movements, weapon engagements, rounds fired, number of hits and misses, and wounds sustained throughout the exercise. Other data, such as video from helmet cameras, can also be replayed in the app.
The app, which will be included in future upgrades of GAMER, is designed to take after-action review analysis one step further than current systems that focus on analysis at the level of the entire group, platoon or company.
Åsa Thegström, head of Saab business unit training and simulation, said: ‘High-fidelity training is essential to build a soldier’s confidence. With WE:Go’s ability to deliver individual results to each soldier, he or she can reach that level of confidence sooner than ever.
‘Saab believes that this app will increase soldier motivation and make exercise follow-up more effective and rewarding.’
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