Raydon secures $20 million VCOT contract
Raydon Corporation has received a $20 million contract to expand the US Army National Guard’s training infrastructure.
Under the contract, Raydon will supply ten Virtual Convoy Operations Trainers (VCOT), expanding the national guard’s current fleet of 114, and upgrade three existing systems.
The VCOT is a mobile classroom training tool that aids develop skills in unstabilised gunnery, manoeuvre and convoy operations. The system provides commanders the ability to network systems for higher echelon training, offering training from individual to crew to company level.
Don Ariel, co-founder and CEO, Raydon, said: ‘With this contract award, the national guard continues a 20-year tradition of rewarding commercial innovation. Our work together has been a kind of innovation incubator, combining our scientific research and training expertise with the national guard’s commitment to continuous improvement.
‘Together we have deployed a commercial training infrastructure, including VCOT that is both flexible and cost-effective, directly addressing the guard’s challenges of budget and mission volatility.’
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