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RAN receives new simulators for coxswains

8th May 2019 - 07:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The Seamanship School at the Royal Australian Navy’s Boatswains Faculty at HMAS Cerberus has received two new simulators for the training of new boat coxswains, the RAN announced on 6 May.

The combined Jet Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) course now has two moving platform J3 Jet RHIB simulators that deliver a full immersive experience.

The motion enabled simulator has accurate boat and water physics incorporated into the programme to ensure it responds identically to actual J3 Jet RHIB manoeuvring in the water. The simulators allow instructors to control the weather, traffic on the water, location and change between day and night.

RHIB simulation is a practical introduction for boat coxswains to become familiar with boat controls and manoeuvring and also night navigation scenarios, prior to undergoing ‘on water’ assessments.

Boat coxswains will practice in benign conditions as well as higher and more challenging sea states. The simulator can also be used as a tool to assess the boat coxswain’s understanding of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.

The RHIB simulator will not replace on water training in an actual vessel, but it allows for the on water time to be used more efficiently, with the trainees having experienced numerous conditions and scenarios before they enter the real environment.

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