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NATO uses exercise to develop TTPs

8th October 2020 - 09:00 GMT | by Trevor Nash in Holsworthy

Multinational virtual networked exercises are not new — but the recently concluded Spartan Warrior 20-9 was unique for its focus on NATO assets

US Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa (USAFE-AFAFRICA) recently concluded a multinational networked exercise that was designed to ‘strengthen distributed training capabilities’.

Exercise Spartan Warrior 20-9  was managed from the USAFE-AFAFRICA Warfare Center in Einsiedlerhof, Germany and used that organisation’s simulation assets to introduce air and ground scenarios for US and other NATO participants.

According to the USAF, the exercise tested players’ abilities to counter threats and ‘build [a] cohesive protocol for real-world events’.

‘It’s a validation exercise for the NATO modelling and simulation group,’ explained Col Christopher Zuhlke, USAFE-AFAFRICA Warfare Center commander.

‘They have a charter, established

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Trevor Nash


Trevor Nash

After a career in the British Army, Trevor Nash worked in the simulation and training …

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