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MilSim Asia: Thais train on submarine simulator

11th January 2017 - 12:00 GMT | by Sompong Nondhasa in Bangkok


The Royal Thai Navy (RTN) is preparing for the arrival of its first S26T submarine from China through the use of a Submarine Command Team Trainer (SCTT) simulator, which replicates a combat information centre (CIC) and submarine environment.

In 2012 the RTN bought the SCTT simulator from Rheinmetall. Delivered in 2014 and now operating at Sattahip Naval Base, it simulates generic systems and capabilities of diesel-electric submarines, rather than a specific individual class.

The SCTT is flexible; it is scalable from operator training in individual sensors and systems to command team training for operational units. Thailand’s system replicates every important

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Sompong Nondhasa


Sompong Nondhasa

Sompong, a Thai national living in Bangkok, is a fulltime photojournalist and editor of the …

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