Military Training magazine: VR headsets, NATO training and more
What’s inside this edition:
COMMENT: Afghan training – where did it go so wrong?
NATO and ISAF forces in Afghanistan have been training the ANDSF for many years, but when it came to the acid test of independent combat, it was simply not up to the task. Why?
Features include:
Extending reality
The fidelity of head-mounted displays continues to rise as prices fall, making them more viable for use in military training systems.
Ahead by a nose
Training is all about creating realistic environments to replicate the real world. Frequently overlooked in the past, the use of olfactory stimulation is now growing.
Going commercial
Military forces are increasingly using civilian contractors to provide training services. Commercial enterprises aim to save the military money through tailoring training to the user’s precise requirements.
Achieving interoperability
The NATO Modelling and Simulation Group supports training in a range of areas, building interoperability standards and enhancing technological development in this rapidly evolving domain.
Track and trace
Providers of aerial target services are almost universally reporting a strong market in 2020-21, with new contracts and products keeping the sector as a healthy source of revenue for its suppliers.
Bonus content coming soon.
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