Military Training magazine: recognition training, CBRN training and more
What’s inside this edition:
COMMENT: Same requirement, different answer
The pilot shortage remains a pressing problem on both sides of the Atlantic, but the US and UK have taken different approaches to addressing the issue.
Features include:
Friend or foe?
Systems to help military personnel peer through the fog of war are becoming ever more sophisticated, but troops still need to know what they are looking at, making recognition training more important than ever.
Fighting for a market
US industries often have the resources and political backing to dominate international markets. The simulation and technology sector is no different, but several European companies are challenging the status quo with innovative and unique solutions.
One step ahead
As the threats facing warships’ crews are constantly evolving, so too must the training systems and procedures they undergo. AI threats, cyberattacks and advanced technologies are challenging training providers to stay one step ahead.
The silent killers
The threat of CBRN attacks from state and non-state actors continues to grow. Shephard looks at the training being provided by NATO to counter this threat.
Under lock and key
With the increased networking of simulation systems comes the increased opportunity for adversaries to steal data. The answer, as many simulator integrators are now doing, is to up the ante when it comes to cybersecurity.
Bonus content coming soon.
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How terrain management capabilities can improve military training
This type of tool provides more realistic training easing the incorporation of new scenarios that accurately represent the threats of the battlefield.
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I/ITSEC 2024: Zeiss introduces Velvet 4K SIM projector for night flight simulation
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I/ITSEC 2024: Saab introduces UAV live training capability
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