Military Training magazine: Project Selborne, MFTS update, extended reality and more
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What's inside this edition:
COVID-19 is already curtailing military exercises and hitting T&S providers’ bottom lines, and may have grave future consequences for many contracts and programmes.
Features include:
Transforming training appears to be a continual process for the UK MoD, and the latest service to embark on the journey is the Royal Navy with its Project Selborne initiative.
The UK’s Military Flying Training System continues to be afflicted by insufficient resources hampering training output, and with the impact of COVID-19, matters are unlikely to improve.
Other features include:
In many regards, the world of VR, AR and MR, together increasingly referred to as VAM, is growing on a near monthly basis.
With Western militaries facing the increased likelihood of near-peer and peer-on-peer conflict, training HQ-level staff to deal with this threat spectrum is taking on new dimensions.
Increasingly, helicopter rear crew members are being introduced to the world of simulation as new technology pushes the increasing trend towards integrating their training with that of pilots.
Military aircrew are increasingly fighting as a collective team where each element supports the other, a factor reflected in increased investment in new training methods.
Major simulation programmes of record in the US are highlighting the need for common database standards, as well as ensuring that this data is protected against cyberthreats.
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