Military Training magazine: Realism, low-cost training, VSAT, Russia focus and more
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What's inside this edition:
The USAF is escalating efforts on its Pilot Training Next initiative, designed to overcome aircrew shortages. But will technological innovation solve the root cause of the problem?
Features include:
Modern simulators frequently rival real life when it comes to replication and fidelity, but such devices are expensive – what happens if your defence budget simply does not go far enough?
Small arms training has been on the verge of going virtual for some time, but some persistent technical problems are holding back the ideal of a range on every base.
Other features include:
The modern battlefield is changing, and how to replicate it realistically during training is a growing area of concern for armed forces.
Artillery systems are becoming increasingly complex, and this is mirrored in the evolving nature of their training requirements.
I-LVC continues to be heralded as a training panacea by many militaries around the world but will it really answer all the questions that are being asked of it?
While the region is still largely reliant on imported simulation equipment, increases in defence spending have seen a marked rise in the sophistication of training programmes.
Russian military exercises are not just designed to train troops, but also serve as a political tool to signal intent or show off capabilities.
New technologies such as AI and AR could revolutionise the training of a naval vessel’s combat information centre team, tasked with ‘fighting’ the ship.
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British Army Strategic Training Partner bidders drop from seven to four
Three of the bidding consortia have dropped out of the competition to become STP for the British Army Collective Training Service.
What is preventing the US Pentagon from succeeding in multi-domain scenarios?
Outstanding issues to be addressed include improving doctrine, increasing the number of joint exercises and better integrating capabilities across the services.
AI innovation set to revolutionise military training landscape
Artificial intelligence offers unprecedented potential to revolutionise military training, enabling agile and decisive forces.
Training Together: Unlocking Educational Excellence through Military and Industry Collaboration (Studio)
Military training is ultimately about people. At Capita, training programmes are built on close engagement with partners, delivering an educational approach that can adapt to individual needs, cultivate leadership – and drive wider cultural change.
Three A-29 Super Tucanos find new home at US Air Force Test Pilot School
Embraer’s light attack aircraft were selected by Edwards Air Force Base to join its test pilot school, following their abandonment by US Air Force Special Operations Command.
Enhancing Military Training Through Digital Technology (Studio)
Digital technologies offer huge opportunities for defence training. However, militaries must adopt an agile approach, placing the needs of their organisations and personnel at the centre of their efforts.