Military Training magazine: display technology, NATO training and more
What's inside this edition:
Much has been said lately about disruptive training technologies, but do they really exist, and if yes, what impact are they having on the defence sector?
Features include:
New, high-resolution projectors and head-mounted displays are leading to a step change in simulator visual systems. Many believe that the AR headset and small-footprint, high-brightness and high-resolution dome will gradually dominate over the next few years.
Other features include:
NATO has a membership of 30 independent states, nearly all of whom are part of its integrated military structure, and a comprehensive operational C2 hierarchy consisting of several multinational HQs. Shephard looks at how these HQs, with staff from different nations, train for operations and how NATO’s Joint Warfare Centre is central to this effort.
It may seem tautological, but before soldiers can be trained, they need to be recruited. Shephard examines how this process is undertaken in the UK and the US as well as the key issues concerning retention strategies.
Using live ammunition for small arms training can be costly, not to mention dangerous when it comes to new recruits. Virtual small arms trainers, on the other hand, offer a viable alternative.
Ship’s bridge tasks are one of the most basic skills required to be learned by mariners. Unsurprisingly, therefore, they are a vital element within the training courses of navies worldwide.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues its rampage across the world, it is not just the military that must prevail – industry is also facing tough challenges.
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