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Military Training magazine: CBRN threats; fast pilot training; and more

20th May 2022 - 17:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team

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What’s inside this edition:

Comment: Comment: Just stay focused

While shiny new technologies are always quick to grab attention, Shephard looks at the perennial question – are we doing the most with what we have?


Features include:

The need for speed: Can accelerated pipelines optimally train fast jet pilots?

As the number of fast jet pilots required over the past three decades has diminished to match shrinking fleet sizes, training organisations continue to innovate to improve training pipeline output and reduce costs.

The worst case: CBRN training amongst a proliferating threat

The threat of CBRN attacks constitutes the worst-case scenario for modern militaries and civilians. While use of these weapons remains rare, thankfully, armed forces must understand how to respond in times of emergency.

T&S in the PLA: A paper tiger?

Training within China’s PLA is seen as an essential way in which the force can mitigate the effects of what it calls the ‘Peace Disease’ and other identified shortcomings. It has the outward appearance of an effective system, but does it really achieve its goals?

Service industry: Using M&S to bring training where it is needed

Spearheaded by NATO and the US DoD, the MSaaS concept allows cloud-hosted cooperation on the development of advanced software-based training systems. How does this work in practice, and how does industry foresee leveraging the benefits?

Conscript conundrum: Comparing the training curriculum of British and Russian recruits

The relative lack of success of Russian ground forces in Ukraine has been partially attributed to shortcomings in training. How does Moscow’s approach and doctrine measure up against its NATO counterparts?

 Bonus content coming soon.


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