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MILES system reintroduced into training cycle

31st January 2018 - 16:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The US Army’s 39th Infantry Regiment has reintroduced the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES) into the basic combat training cycle.

MILES is designed to replicate both the firing capabilities and effects of weapons during combat for training purposes. The gear can detect hits from laser bullets and keep track of damage assessments for participants. There are immediate audio cues to let trainees know when simulated rounds are coming close to their position and alerts advise them when they have been taken off the battlefield.

The system uses blank cartridges and lasers to simulate actual battle, giving trainees and soldiers the kind of feedback usually reserved for video games. The weapons recoil when fired, produce the smell of gunpowder, and electronic tones track simulated gunfire to provide a sense of immediacy that might otherwise be missing from standard buddy training manoeuvres.

Bravo Company, 4th Battalion, is using the equipment in a buddy team fire and manoeuvres exercise.

Cpt Francisco Idarraga, company commander of Bravo Company, 4th Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment, said: 'This is a great opportunity to start testing all of the technology that we have. We're trying to see if they're applying all of their knowledge, as far as moving in teams, which is very important while you are in the field.'


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