Meggitt details ISMT progress
Meggitt Training Systems has completed the final inspection and physical configuration audit of the US Marine Corps' (USMC's) Small Arms Trainer, the company announced on 22 February.
Meggitt was originally awarded the $39 million, five-year IDIQ contract for system deliveries in 2014. The trainer is known as the Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer (ISMT) in USMC service. It is used to train new and experienced personnel in marksmanship in a number of modes, with each mode providing training based on the skill level of the individual or unit.
Jeff Murphy, president, Meggitt Training Systems, said: 'The completion of the ISMT testing marks a significant milestone in a long-standing relationship between the USMC and Meggitt. Meggitt has commenced installation of the first systems and new weapons, which are fully compatible with the marines' existing arsenal of simulated weapons and marine corps operating concept.'
Meggitt architecture facilitates enhanced 3D marksmanship with an intelligent automatic coaching application on a wireless tablet, enabling trainers to provide better and effective guidance for their training budget. Its open architecture will allow integration of third-party modules and evolutions in fidelity and graphic complexity for greater realism.
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